A0Broken0Ham0Sammich's Entries
Funny Diseases
11. Music Poisening
when listening to pop watch out for : Miley Cyrus songs, Chalie like a melody, etc. or just stick to rock...... or country....... or rap........... or mabye even new age stuff.. maybe not See also Songs.
Funny People
12. 30 Yr Olds Living in There Moms Basement
Alright now i'm a lvl 30 warlock nehehe See also Nerds.
Funny Products
13. Nuclear Powered CD Players
It has four settings Fast and loud, faster and louder, fastest and loudest, and Bomb......
Funny Things
19. The "Talk"
Well son, when a mommy and a daddy love eachother very much..... WHOA Whoa whoa! See also Sex.