Funny Jobs
Funny Jobs
1. Duck Herding Consultant
Job Description: Advise ducks on forming perfect V formations, navigating ponds efficiently, and quacking with confidence. Must mediate between rebellious ducks and strict pond leaders.
Perks: Fresh air and occasional bread crumbs. Opportunity to bond with nature’s sassiest creatures.
Requirement: Proficiency in “duck whispering” and a strong tolerance for wet feet.
See also Birds.
Funny Jobs
2. Professional Netflix Binger
Job Description: Watch TV shows and movies all day to “ensure quality.” Must be able to detect plot holes, inconsistencies, and whether the snacks pair well with the content.
Perks: Free snacks (you bring them).
Work uniform: Pajamas.
Promotion opportunities: From binger to super Binger.
Requirement: Must possess an Olympic-level ability to press “Next Episode.”
See also Netflix.
Funny Jobs
3. The Two Men Who Carry a Pane of Glass Everywhere
They are in at least one episode of every slapstick cartoon. See also Cartoons, Old-Timey.
Funny Jobs
4. Fatherly Wrench Passer
Finding a wrench in a toolbox may be one of the most complicated and stressful tasks known to son. When your father has his head under the kitchen sink and you're already holding the flashlight and the toolbox, passing him the wrench is near impossible and can result in complete failure of the task at hand. See also Family.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny job?
Funny Jobs
7. Staying Alive
Everyday, people all around the world work tirelessly to keep themselves alive for just a little bit longer. See also Life.
Funny Jobs
8. Guardian of the King’s Anus
This was found on somebody’s sarcophagus from ancient Egypt. You think you got it bad? This guy spent his whole life looking after a single bumhole. See also Scatological.
Funny Jobs
10. The Guy That Lists All the Side Effects at the End of Medication Commercials
See also Commercials, Medicine.