Funny Jobs
Funny Jobs
63. Any Unpaid Internship
"To make sure you're good enough for this company, you're going to work for us for free." See also Indentured Servitude.
Funny Jobs
64. Penetration Tester
One who ensures the online integrity or security of a network.
"Candidate must be able to take direction and support multiple tasks simultaneously." See also Internet, Technology.
Funny Jobs
65. Professional Cow Tipper
Hard to find a job in this field nowadays, since rotten teenagers are doing it for free. See also Farming.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny job?
Funny Jobs
68. Chick Sexor
Large scale farms use these talented people to distinguish the males from females chicks. Females are saved, but most male chicks, sadly, are not. See also Farming.
Funny Jobs
69. Extreme AC Repairman
No matter how much my job sucks, I'm thankful not to have to hang off balconies to fix other people's AC units. Regardless, the dedication of these repairmen is admirable.
Funny Jobs
70. Sandwich Artist
As if making them wasn't enough... now subway serves up $5 dollar art... your way. See also Fast Food.