DoJuneSin's Entries

Funny Names

1. Chad

I will NEVER take anyone named Chad seriously

Added by DoJuneSin on October 10, 2019| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Animals

2. Scaptia Beyonceae

Scaptia beyonceae is a species of horse fly found in the Atherton Tablelands in north-east Queensland, Australia. The fly is named after Beyoncé, of course.

Added by DoJuneSin on May 2, 2019| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Animals

3. Agaporomorphus Colberti

This is a beetle named after Stephen Colbert. The scientist who discovered the diving beetle named it after Colbert because "Stephen shamelessly asked the science community to name something cooler than a spider to honor him. His top choices were a giant ant or a laser lion. While those would be cool species to discover, our research involves beetles, and they are 'way cooler' than a spider any day."

Added by DoJuneSin on May 2, 2019| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Animals

4. Squab

What even is squab? It might be like a goose, or maybe a pigeon.

Added by DoJuneSin on May 2, 2019| Comment | You Like This |


4 Entries

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