WARNING: This disease out cancels all diseases
Added by Inherently on September 23, 2018| 6 people like this You Like This | Unlike
I mean, it's not wrong....
Added by Inherently on September 23, 2018| Like You Like This | Unlike
fear of fearing people who have a phobia of phobic phobias
Added by Inherently on September 23, 2018| 4 people like this You Like This | Unlike
People get wrinkles when they use this. Duh! It says WRINKLE cream, not WRINKLE-B-GONE cream. Geez, do people not know what it means?
Added by Inherently on September 23, 2018| 2 people like this You Like This | Unlike
A:Where do I blow?
A: So, how do I play this?
B:You don't
Added by Inherently on September 21, 2018| 1 person likes this You Like This | Unlike
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