JanTheWeirdGamerYT's Entries
Funny Phobias
11. Arachnephobia or Arachnophobia
Fear of spiders. Ok, this one is not weird. But here's the weird part, I am not scared tarantulas. Yet, I am scared of spiders.
Funny Phobias
12. Bathmophobia, Fear of Stairs
Fear of stairs. Yes, stairs. I can explain, I fall down stairs a lot (especially when I was a kid.) I went unconscious most of the times, when I was a kid, and had to go to the hospital a couple times.
Funny Phobias
13. Batophobia
Fear of heights or being close to high buildings. Yeah, this is related to being afraid of heights. I am scared the buildings will fall and kill me.
Funny Phobias
14. Cacomorphobia is Real!
It's a fear of fat people. It's real... I don't know why I am scared of fat people.... Maybe it's because I am a twig...
Funny Phobias
15. Climacophobia
Fear of stairs, climbing, or of falling downstairs. This is related to the fear of stairs post.