Kyle's Entries

Funny People

1. Slenderman

Creepy white dude in a tuxedo that follows you around in a forest in the popular game Slender. Pops up everywhere. Don't go by the fences! See also Games.

Added by Kyle on October 8, 2012| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Phrases

2. Derping

A generalized term for someone that just made a mistake, did something idiotic, or effed up. Cartwheel into a table: Hurp derp durr.

Added by Kyle on October 8, 2012| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Sayings

3. You Can Only Fish for So Long...

...until you have to put a stick of dynamite in the water. From the Big Bang Theory. Sentimental note about getting things done. See also Television.

Added by Kyle on October 8, 2012| Comment | You Like This |

Funny Diseases

4. Water-Elf Disease

A real disease that affected people during 10th century Europe. The Anglo-Saxon term describes a sudden stabbing pain. Much like rheumatism.

Added by Kyle on October 7, 2012| 2 Comments | You Like This |


4 Entries

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