MrBill's Entries
Funny Clothes
1. Parachute Pants Shop
Nylon pants with zippered pockets popular in the 80's. See also 80's.
Funny TV Shows
2. Fat Albert
Bill Cosby's cartoon with some super sweet characters and amazing music. Hey-ba-la-ba Fat Albert! See also 70's.
Funny Toys
3. Stretch Armstrong
Rubber strong man filled with gelled corn syrup to make him stretchy. See also 70's.
Funny Conveyances
4. Turd Boiler
Can be used on about any piece of crap vehicle, but seems most appropriate on a really old one that makes a lot of noise and smoke.
Funny Insults
5. Darrel
Basically means a hick. "I saw a couple of darrels working on a beater truck when I drove by."