A movie where a crotch has a mouth of its own, and when anything unusual enters the tunnel, its gone!
Added by TurtruckJake on May 14, 2010| 1 person likes this You Like This | Unlike
what my mom used to call my sister when we would all get under the covers of my moms big bed and someone would fart. my sister would duck under the covers to hide from the fart, but it didnt help!
Added by TurtruckJake on May 14, 2010| 1 Comment | 3 people like this You Like This | Unlike
a lot
"theres a buttload of leftover pizza in the fridge"
Added by TurtruckJake on May 13, 2010| 3 people like this You Like This | Unlike
a lot
"theres a dickfull of people at this party!"
Added by TurtruckJake on May 13, 2010| 1 person likes this You Like This | Unlike
Little balls of poop that stick to your butt from not wiping very often
Added by TurtruckJake on May 13, 2010| 3 people like this You Like This | Unlike
What some people call me cuz it sounds like my last name
Added by TurtruckJake on April 6, 2010| 1 person likes this You Like This | Unlike
I dont know, i just thought it sounded funny
Added by TurtruckJake on April 6, 2010| 1 person likes this You Like This | Unlike
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