VordJoncus's Entries
Funny Things to Do
11. Singing Along to Songs, but Changing the Pronouns to a Different Perspective.
Very fun, actually. Play alone or with friends. Can be a challenge if played with the right song.
Funny Videos
12. "Detroit: Become Abridged"
A parodical take on 'Detroit: Become Human,' while still somehow keeping the story intact. Still waiting on that second part! See also Video Games.
Funny Words
14. Blithely
Sounds like it should have a negative connotation, but actually means "with cheerful indifference." Ironically enough, I learned it from this site: not from a post, but from the flavor text on the commenting screen. The more you know.
Funny Anti-Jokes
15. There is a Difference Between the Words "your," "you're," and "yarn."
Yarn doesn't even sound the same. It is a completely different word. See also Quote, Stolen.
Funny Anti-Jokes
16. The "Most Recent" Anti-Jokes
Seriously. It's all half-hearted Blonde- and Dead Baby-Jokes. At least try.
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