blueshope's Entries
Funny Questions
1. DoEs AnYoNe KnOw HoW TO FIx CaPsLoCk?
i TuRnEd It On AnD oFf BuT iT kEpT bLiNkInG
Funny Words
2. Dokey
Originally meant to go after "okey" to show approval. But it means a person who often acts like they're high.
Funny Words
4. Hey I'm Back Lol
Someone who likes technology and electro music. Careful if you call your friend this, it may sound like an insult.
Funny Nicknames
5. Library.
For that one friend that loves reading and has many many books stored but never finishes any of them.
Funny Things to Do
6. Try to Say a Part of the Lyrics of a Song but Acting with Your Hands.
To make it better and/or more difficult, do it while playing mimics with friends or family.
Funny Euphemisms
8. Slope Nope Rope.
Also known as a snake. (I thought about this and "Hairy Nope Nope" at the same time.)
Funny Insults
9. Was Your Family Tree a Straight Line?
Basically saying all of you are adopted. And dumb. It took me a while to get it, but now it's so funny I can't wait to say it.
Funny Insults
10. You Chupacabra!
That's some Spanish words. It's a myth monster, but it literally means 'goat sucker.' It's basically saying they're some stupid suckas.