Funny Clothes
Funny Clothes
31. Underwear Hat
Usually worn by little kids who don't want to go to bed.
Especially stylish with pony tails or pig tails sticking out of the leg holes.
Funny Clothes
32. The Flimsy Crepe Paper Crowns Found in Christmas Crackers
You either wear them all Christmas Day then throw it out, or you immediately throw it out, or you insist on keeping it forever and ever to remember the wonderful holiday you had and then forget about it's existence until the next Christmas when you wonder where your previous one went. See also Christmas.
Funny Clothes
34. Ranger Panties
What people in the military call the super short shorts they wear during physical training. See also Military.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny item of clothing.
Funny Clothes
38. Eargloves
When you're out in the cold and don't have a hat or hoodie and have to press your gloves into ear service. See also Winter.
Funny Clothes
40. Trench Coats
Frequently used by one kid sitting on another's shoulders to look like an adult. See also Old-Timey.