Funny Foods
Funny Foods
61. Stroopwafels
A godly treat from The Netherlands. Made with two small waffel-shaped wafers and caramel smudged in between. See also Dutch.
Funny Foods
63. Blood Popsicles
Yes, this exists. I'm not sure when, but a zookeeper once decided it was so hot, they gave all the animals fruit popsicles, and the lion a blood popsicle.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny food.
Funny Foods
66. Canned Bananas
Funny Foods
68. Mud Pie
Offered to adults by small children, and never actually eaten by them. Sometimes consumed by the chef. Usually prerequesitory to a bath or shower or backyard hose. See also Children.
Funny Foods
69. Grilled Crayon Sandwich
A legendary dish that Ralph Wiggum invented.
Now with extra thumbtacks! See also Simpsons.
Funny Foods
70. Booblicky
A popular Russian snack, kind of like a donut but only smaller, harder, and made out of bread. See also Russian.