Funny Nicknames
Funny Nicknames
151. Brosiedon, Ruler of the Brocean
Funny Nicknames
152. Under-Average Joe
'Nuff said... especially funny if you have an ex boyfriend named Joe.
Funny Nicknames
154. Bro Montana
Funny Nicknames
155. Auntie Pickle Bottom
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny nickname.
Funny Nicknames
156. Willy Foo Foo
A very stupid person. Someone who will fall for just about anything.
Funny Nicknames
157. Mr. Magnificent
Funny Nicknames
158. Sparky
Funny Nicknames
160. Dollface
Best when used by a waitress handing you a grilled cheese sandwich at a 24-hour diner. "Here you go, Dollface!" See also Restaurants.