Funny Foods


Pronounced "Hick-a-ma," a terrible little fruit.


Added by a Guest on September 27, 2011 | You Like This |


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Jicama is not a fruit, and they tastes just fine.

Anon on March 9, 2012

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Its not bad just named funny. Its a vegitable that tastes suspiciusly like sugar snap peas.

sam leppala on January 20, 2013

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Then you don't know how to prepare it properly. It's quite tasty and the flavor and texture put it somewhere between an apple and a potatoe. Spice it how you like and prepare it so that it's a little crunchy and it will make a nice addition to any meal for a vegetarian or carnivore. Or should I say omnivore.

Paul on March 17, 2013

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