Funny Toys

Teddy Ruxpin

Creepy, animatronic stuffed bear that was a toy contemporary of the creepy, non-animatronic My Buddy Doll. See also 80's.


Added by Brian on August 9, 2007 | You Like This |


Guest Icon mean your My Buddy doll didn't talk??? Mine was always telling me to steal the neighbors mail

Stevie "Guitar" Miller on August 14, 2007


Stevie, I think you win the prize for funniest comment on Inherently Funny.

Tyler on August 20, 2007

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oh god the bear from hell!!! *runs screaming into the night* I always hated that thing! It looked like he'd come alive at night & say "you must kill everyone!!" creepy creepy creepy doll!

Logan on December 23, 2007

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I remember burning mine :D

Bex on February 3, 2008

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And just what kind of a name is "Ruxpin" anyway? What planet did it come from?

Jay Vissers on November 6, 2013

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yeah baby

ctg on July 13, 2024

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