Funny People


Can be used in a variety of linguistic combinations: 'no-mate-nigel' (a geeky kid with no friends), 'nippy-nigel' (the hyper, weird boy in all of your science classes who asks for extra homework and rides a bike everywhere), 'nigel' (standalone term for any variety of geek. The rule of pop-probability states that in any given computer retail store there will be at least one manager named Nigel), 'nigelfest' (a gathering of geeks. Geekage en mass, if you will.) See also Nerds.


Added by a Guest on August 21, 2007 | You Like This |


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rofl rofl. ahahahahahaha. nippy nigel is sooo true for the kid who sits next to me in science. he is freaky! and always seems to like to talk about itallian politics :l

kimbo,. on August 7, 2008

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You seem to have forgotten that there is always at least one bald guy in any fashion movie/TV show named Nigel. (See America's Next Top Model and The Devil Wears Prada)

CaptainKrill on March 8, 2010

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