Funny Questions

Google Questions

1. Go to
2. Type in the beginning of a question, for example: What is... When... or Why did... into the search bar.
3. Watch the hilarious suggestions cascade downward. See also Computers, Internet.


Added by Ponyboy on October 10, 2012 | You Like This |



For example, "Where is Chuck Norris?" and "Why do men cheat?"

Brian on October 14, 2012


Best thing ever :) Molly's very amused

PrestonAndMolly on November 21, 2012

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its all about ebola....

chloecrimson22 on November 22, 2014

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Why did my girlfriend cheat on me for a shark?

potato on July 8, 2015

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Here is one, IS MY GRANDMA OFF LIMITS? Dude, what do you mean? WHAT DO YOU MEAN?

Potato on October 11, 2015

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I never thought...I'd get so far plankton

Laura on December 3, 2016

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I remember me typing "why is" and a result came up saying, "why is my poop green". Like... who and why TF would anyone google this?

Samuel on March 18, 2021

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I got one for why did I marry my wife

patoto man 3000 on March 24, 2022

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My were all boring! 😢

🦜 on March 12, 2024

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