Funny Insults

Hornswoggling Curmudgeon

A cheating, devious, miserable person who is having a bad day and believes that ruining yours will improve theirs. That said, I'm sure if you call anybody with a sense of humor this, it'll put a smile on their face.


Added by a Guest on November 1, 2012 | You Like This |


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They most likely wont have a sense of humour if the aim of their day is to make you miserable.

Joanne on May 26, 2013

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Isn't that the guy who plays Sherlock

hannah on December 5, 2013

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Lols at hannah.

Not A Potato on August 18, 2014

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uh that means "a crusty old man who tends to get the better of someone.."

Korbynthsr on December 4, 2017

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