Funny Sayings

"Hey Y'all, Watch This!"

Southern saying, usually before you say or do something really stupid. See also Southern.


Added by a Guest on May 21, 2013 | You Like This |


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See also, "Hey buddy, hold my beer!"

Bre on August 23, 2013


ya'll must be from up north

lexi on June 30, 2015

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billy on July 2, 2015

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I'm offended by this, take it down. But seriously, I'm a southerner and I'm not as stupid as those who go by stereotypes are. Some people down here may be stupid, but there are just as many who are more intelligent than YOU. There are stupid people everywhere, okay? You're obviously one of them.

Southern Bell on August 12, 2015

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ya'll not from 'roun here are you

southern gal on February 17, 2021

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