Healthily plump and vigorous, often used to describe a large, happy woman.
Added by sharkweek on October 1, 2007 | 10 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Sarah on October 24, 2007
That's a German word?
Lala on November 21, 2007
It's actually Zoftig, pronounced 'zof-tish' and is German for 'fat' or 'hefty'
Rob on January 17, 2008
Bex on February 3, 2008
Saftig Means Juicy in Denmark 8)
PepsiMax maximum sugar, no taste! on June 9, 2008
my mom is a happy and beautiful zaftig =D
Raven on July 18, 2009
thats mean
on September 28, 2010
thats rude
carol on September 28, 2010
Also a food delivery service in London.
Pug on August 22, 2024
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Sarah on October 24, 2007
That's a German word?
Lala on November 21, 2007
It's actually Zoftig, pronounced 'zof-tish' and is German for 'fat' or 'hefty'
Rob on January 17, 2008
Bex on February 3, 2008
Saftig Means Juicy in Denmark 8)
PepsiMax maximum sugar, no taste! on June 9, 2008
my mom is a happy and beautiful zaftig =D
Raven on July 18, 2009
thats mean
on September 28, 2010
thats rude
carol on September 28, 2010
Also a food delivery service in London.
Pug on August 22, 2024