Funny Things

Opposite Day

One day a year I get to shower with my clothes on, wear shoes on my hands, drive backwards down the wrong side of the road, tell my boss what to do, poop in the urinals and pee in the toilets, type with my feet, have cashiers pay me when I buy items, lose weight by eating Big Macs, and have my dog take me for a walk. Opposite day rules! See also Made Up.


Added by Frank on December 2, 2007 | You Like This |


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your a turd

tj on January 4, 2008


Yo Frank, you going to stand for that?

Tyler on January 5, 2008

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Woah woah woah. Woah. No one calls Frank from Inherently Funny a turd. Doodyhead.

Frank on February 19, 2008

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oooohhhh....that was harsh!

The Guy on April 29, 2008

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very handy in the elementary school days when someone says something about you that you wish to reverse

Jenna B on May 13, 2008

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hi im a dumb turd who doesnt kno anything kthxbai!

tj on June 11, 2008

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I do that! Opposite day is the best! Hahaha.. Ermm.. So dnt diss opposite day!

... on February 4, 2009

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when is opposite day....

mike hunt on April 21, 2009


What a classic. And that name-calling battle was a battle for the century!

Yeetaleetthesecond on January 19, 2022

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the official date is november 6th

Chimken37 on February 10, 2025

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