Funny Words


From the Greek "log" (word) and the Latin "orrhea" (to shoot forcefully out of an orafice) comes this portmanteau which means to talk excessively.


Added by a Guest on December 4, 2007 | You Like This |


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That's not what it sounds like at all!

Olivia on July 20, 2008

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: to defecate forcefully out of ones mouth a steady, projectile stream of bullshit.

blahblahblahblahbloop on October 2, 2008

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it actually isnt greek for "log" it is greek for "logo" aka words

dude on May 14, 2009

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Logorrhea actually comes from the Greek "logos" + the Greek "-rhe" which literally translates: the flow of things having been said.

Guest on September 1, 2009

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sounds like…nevermind

somebodyluvsu on March 16, 2012


It is derived from λόγος (logos) = speach and ροή (roee) = flow, both Greek.

Zorzi on November 27, 2013

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