Funny Tattoos


Mustache tattooed on the inside of the index finger. You hold it under your nose with the rest of your fingers closed against your palm. See also Hair.


Added by a Guest on December 9, 2007 | You Like This |


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i forgot about fingertache!! i shall be implementing on big night out this week..thanks.

kerry on December 9, 2007

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That was my Halloween costume

Frank on December 9, 2007

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wouldn't it be your pinky instead of your index finger??

your mom on March 15, 2009

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It's not funny it's AWESOME! I want A Fingerstache Tattoo.

Insanity on September 15, 2014

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Yesss needed

FunnyGirlWhoIsAlsoLonely on March 17, 2018

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