Funny Things to Do

Throw Ice Cubes and Sing "Let It Go"


Added by a Guest on July 7, 2014 | You Like This |


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No, no, no, no, no, jus, just no

Mark on July 8, 2014

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People plz stop singing that song, it is awful

PeopleHateMe on July 9, 2014

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Let it go, let it go, itsbeen popular way too long. I DONT CARE ABOUT THIS STUPID SONG, BUT THIS SONG PLAYS OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNNN. Im sorry i hate frozen please dont kill me, im serious.

LOLZINATOR on July 9, 2014

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Noh. Just. Noh.

Potato The Second on July 11, 2014

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People old enough for the phrase "that movie really sucked" complaining about a movie made for wee children. As if it owed them something. I weep for the future of humanity.

bleh on July 12, 2014

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been there, done that

potato on July 13, 2014

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I pressed the bored button

Siggity Swooty on July 14, 2014

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hahahaha very funny to hit someone with a ice cube singing let it gooooo! if you sing this song you're the snowqueen :D

mashpotato on July 16, 2014

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Potato Bro on July 19, 2014

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ewee on July 19, 2014

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that song is annoying

nikita on July 21, 2014

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not gonna lie, it was an awesome movie

Dave Strider on July 30, 2014

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Can we chuck them?

Jordan on July 31, 2014

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I am TOTALLY the snow queen, mashpotato!!! I know its annoying but its so fun to sing! (Sorry to all of my friends) XD

HaloPrincess2642 on July 31, 2014

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I've done this, it's hilarious! It's very stress realizing too.

Me on August 30, 2014

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GravityWalker on September 1, 2014

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Let it go let it go can hold the ice cubes anymore!!!

Jesse on October 12, 2014

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ill let it go from throwing icecubes

no! on November 5, 2014

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Let it go ice cubes never bothered me anyway

Rosemarie Sulaqa on December 19, 2014

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lolmaster on December 31, 2014

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bob_the_potato on February 15, 2015

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I can't believe it says to NOT BE A POTATO!!!!

I AM A POTATO on April 16, 2015

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I want to do this

The Mysterious Potato on December 3, 2015

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I hate that song :/

DWFunny on December 15, 2015

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let it go let it go cant listen to this song for longer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i hate fcdsrozen

cytffdyftf on August 7, 2017

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Let it go! *thwack*

Solomon on August 8, 2019

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LET IT GO *the clunking of ice on the tile floor* LET IT GO *more clunking* oh gosh I'm gonna have to clean that up later...

Nobody shall know my name on August 12, 2019

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Hahahaha, love it!

AnimalKing360 on April 20, 2020

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iwannabeapotatothough on May 26, 2023

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