Funny Advice

The Early Bird Gets the Worm, but the Second Mouse Gets the Cheese

Think about it.


Added by a Guest on July 10, 2014 | You Like This |


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my grandma has told me that joke so many times and its so funny!

haha on July 29, 2014

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i dont get it...

anonynynynynynymouse on August 3, 2014

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the first mouse deactivates the trap and dies and second takes the cheese!

anonymus on August 8, 2014

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We obviously need more bird traps!

SadisticElysium on August 31, 2014

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i do not get it

xsnowthewolfx on October 6, 2014

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i get it lol

cass is awesome on November 28, 2014

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its because the bird did'nt eat the ate the 1st mouse

idk on December 20, 2014

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The bird eats the cheese and then the first mouse eats the mousetrap so the second mouse eats the first mouse because theres no cheese left because the bird ate the cheese and so reverts to canibalism but then shrek gets mad and tells the bird to eat the cheese but the bird already ate the cheese so has to eat the 1st mouse but cannot because the and was then eaten by the second mouse so the bird eats the 2nd mouse which actually in a sense he is eating the 1st mouse cause the second mouse ate him.

this is Shrek on January 8, 2015

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The First bird gets the worm because there is no other bird to take it, but the second mouse gets the cheese because the first mouse got caught in the trap

Epicness on January 16, 2015

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nothing somebody on January 31, 2015

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but but but but nooooooooo the world is so unfair

the mouse on March 2, 2015

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ME on March 5, 2015

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it means that the first mouse gets smashed in the mouse trap and the second mouse can get the cheese duhh

anonymous on June 17, 2015

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Iron Man 3

kshitij on June 29, 2015

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like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

johnna on July 9, 2015

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Yolo on July 23, 2015

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chicken soup on August 5, 2015

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omg ahahahahah i love this one :):):):):):)

Jennifer Alexis on August 25, 2015

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would if someone just put cheese out to be nice then the first mouse gets it Pakarrr logic

KarKar knows Skilar on October 5, 2015

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Well that's morbid

missgalindaaa on November 12, 2015

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GooglyEyes on December 18, 2015

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Okie, so the bird part is something everyone knows. About the mouse, the first mouse gets caught in the trap, leaving the cheese. (Cheese is very bad for mice's health, so they avoid it.) The second mouse is free to get the cheese without getting caught in the trap.

Zris on November 1, 2016

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Just for this piece of advice, say that cheese is something a mouse would gladly get their paws on.

Zris on November 1, 2016

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OMG NOW I GET IT! The first mouse attempted to get the mouse on the mouse trap, but was killed doing so. But the second mouse ate the cheese because the mousetrap had already been used.

Kate on December 22, 2017

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well if the bird gets the cheese it could die from being diseased,but if the mouse gets the worm it could be too tall for it that it is impossible for a mouse to eat a worm.If the 1st mouse gets the cheese,then the there would be no more cheese for the 2nd mouse. Makes no sense. By the way,I am a smart.

No name on January 13, 2018

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Part 2 I do not get that it is funny but anyway, if the 2nd bird and on get worms it would make sense because there are unlimited worms forever. World never stops...

No name on January 13, 2018

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Part 3 The bird can get the cheese without getting stuck because birds can fly,and they can die. But the bird will die because cheese is bad for birds, by the way get some cheddar cheese for typing all of this!!!!! Meh back to the joke, almost all jokes can not exist. This one makes no sense. Back to the mouse,NOT THE BIRD. The mouse could possibly sneak up behind the trap to not die because mice are smart. Give me credit for typing this.

No name on January 13, 2018

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Give me some cheese its for typing this.

No name on January 13, 2018

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Funguy on September 4, 2018



thereal152 on November 14, 2018


400th like

DarylthePony on May 6, 2019

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oh i get it. finally lol llol lol

Lyla on August 9, 2019

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OH! I GET IT! The first mouse is the early bird because it was first, and it tried to get the cheese, but died in the mouse trap. Since the mouse trap has already snapped, the second mouse gets the cheese!

Olivia0livia on August 31, 2019

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I feel bad for the first mouse oof

olivia on February 12, 2020

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