Funny Words


According to, this fancy sounding word means "having beautifully proportioned buttocks," as in "the quest for the callipygian ideal."


Added by Anthony on March 16, 2006 | You Like This |


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that was so awsome that i am now having it on my senior jersey.. lol

~*secret*~ on August 2, 2007

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Or as "callipygous", an adjective pertaining to or having finely developed buttocks.

Kevin on January 18, 2009

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hahaha love this

caliwarrior on February 20, 2009

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this is my youtube name :-)

Jim on April 18, 2009

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Someone with an attractive rear end. This is what nerds say when the "alpha-nerd" walks down the hall . . . "ooooh, look at that calliopygian . . ."

Jason on March 19, 2011


An old english word of greek derivation meaning "someone who has beautiful buttocks." However, the qualities that make buttocks beautiful are not fixed, as sexual aesthetics of the buttocks vary considerably from culture to culture, from one period of fashion to another and even from person to person.

Ryan on March 23, 2014

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