Funny Sayings
Birthdays are Healthy for You
Studies have shown that people with more birthdays live longer. See also Birthdays.

Studies have shown that people with more birthdays live longer. See also Birthdays.
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Wow, that is the most stupid thing ever. Of course people with more birthdays live longer, they have lived longer so there have been more years for birthday! What kind of idiot made that up!
sy6ujytree on December 30, 2014
Untrue. You only have one birthday, the rest are anniversaries of that date. So, people with more anniversaries of that date live longer. People with more birthdays should be experimented on.
anonymous on September 13, 2015
To sy6ujytree, try looking up the dictionary definition of "joke." You'll see that this phenomenon was the thing that this entry was attempting to make.
Yeetaleetthesecond on February 10, 2023