You just did.
Added by a Guest on January 6, 2008 | 86 people like this You Like This | Unlike
well what was his question then?
hihihihi on February 7, 2008
some really cool guy on February 7, 2008
angel on February 26, 2008
Very old gag!
Funnyy on July 17, 2008
kimbo,. on August 7, 2008
wkoqit??? what kind of question is that???
[email protected] on November 12, 2008
. . . ' Can I ask you a Question?" When you ASK that, that is a question; so everybody is clear. yeah, I like this one, haha!!
Bratty on December 22, 2008
"Actuall, yes you would have been able to, but the limit for each day is 1, sorry."
Gillyfish on July 25, 2009
Yes ? I'm a doctor , and yes you can ask a question. I promise I'll reply with what ever you need to know. Have a nice day! :)
DR.DC You made my day! on August 15, 2009
Of course..... You CAN'T
Sprinkles8891967 on August 17, 2015
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well what was his question then?
hihihihi on February 7, 2008
some really cool guy on February 7, 2008
angel on February 26, 2008
Very old gag!
Funnyy on July 17, 2008
kimbo,. on August 7, 2008
wkoqit??? what kind of question is that???
[email protected] on November 12, 2008
. . . ' Can I ask you a Question?" When you ASK that, that is a question; so everybody is clear. yeah, I like this one, haha!!
Bratty on December 22, 2008
"Actuall, yes you would have been able to, but the limit for each day is 1, sorry."
Gillyfish on July 25, 2009
Yes ? I'm a doctor , and yes you can ask a question. I promise I'll reply with what ever you need to know. Have a nice day! :)
DR.DC You made my day! on August 15, 2009
Of course..... You CAN'T
Sprinkles8891967 on August 17, 2015