Funny Clothes
Oakley Razor Blades Shop
Arguably the biggest douche-bag eyewear of all time. See also 80's.

Arguably the biggest douche-bag eyewear of all time. See also 80's.
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Screw you. I loved Oakley Razor Blades. As a matter of fact, I stumbled onto this page while trying to find someone who still sells them. They are bar-none the best sunglasses for boating. My Ray-Ban keep blowing off my face.
Allen Salmon on February 5, 2008
go kill yourself
Jackie Gardner on May 10, 2008
muahaha. i think theyre disgusting.
kimbo,. on August 7, 2008
na na na na na, there badass, u see someone wearing them try talking that trash & you'll be eatin ur teeth,,
OAKLEY on January 21, 2009
seriously, oakley razor blades are legit. this kid is a douche
jeff on April 24, 2009
I guarantee anyone still wearing these shades is still going with the mullet as well!!!
DP AZ on June 28, 2009
These comments are HORRIBLE.
KenzW on November 30, 2017