Funny Places

Big Ugly, West Virginia

I live very close to Big Ugly State Park in West Virginia. Honest headline from local newspaper, "Big Ugly Woman Killed."


Added by a Guest on January 12, 2008 | You Like This |


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haha im gonna move to big ugly

CARESS ME DOWN on February 6, 2008

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looks like UR there already

gwen on April 10, 2008

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There's also a Negro Mountain in WV. I don't know how they get away with it, but I'm guessing it's because black people don't go to WV.

Jeremy on February 12, 2009

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lmfao m grandma lives in west VA

Dala on May 12, 2009

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I was born in logan, WV. And there are a lot of good black folk that live there still an travel back there to see family and friends. As far as Negro mountain i never heard of it. But there area lot of names of countries and places i have not heard of.

Sissy Workman on July 20, 2009

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Big Ugly is in WV. Negro Mountain isn't. Negro Mountain is a 30-mile (48 km) long ridge of the Allegheny Mountains extending from Deep Creek Lake in Maryland, north to the Casselman River in Pennsylvania, USA. The summit, Mount Davis, is the highest point (3,213 feet) in Pennsylvania.[1] Laurel Hill flanks Negro Mountain to the west, with Allegheny Mountain to the east.

Dee on July 25, 2009

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where you from jeremy Pa or Md.

wv boy on August 27, 2009

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funny I thought that my ex mother in law was the big ugly

normy on November 14, 2009

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C. COBERLYI on February 2, 2010

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I lived in Big Ugly for awhile, although the address there is actually "Leet," WV. It is a beautiful and secluded area of Lincoln county. But there are no black folks at all in Lincoln county, much less Big Ugly. Those folks are way to backward to tolerate anyone who does not look, sound, or think like them.

Curt on March 13, 2010

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My Aunt lives on Big Ugly Creek Rd. It really exists, I swear. My other Aunt lives on Mud River Rd. while my uncle lives on Lick Creek Rd. All in Boone County WV

C. Adkins on April 27, 2010

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How about Peach Creek, Mudfork, Crooked Creek, Black bottom some other strange names in Logan, WV.

Lori on February 6, 2011

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hey i live in big ugly born and raised and i LOVE it!! Its peaceful and theres hardly any trouble so i think its an ideal place to live!!!

Lexi on April 9, 2011

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"Black people don't go to WV," you ARE a moron!

Tater on February 9, 2012

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Negro Mountain is in Maryland too... right outside of Cumberland. Please don't type anymore ignorant comments. ~concerned Mountaineer

Tater on February 9, 2012

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Big Ugly is no where near Logan. It is in Harts WV in Lincoln County. I wouldn't even call it a is more of a neighborhood near Big Ugly Creek. Over time the Creek was dropped and it became Big Ugly WVa. And there is a ***** hill in Cabell County WVa.

asdf on April 8, 2012

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The Big Ugly Woman Killed headline was true..she was a real porker..and they killed her over food. (at least that is what I heard)

Kizzie Moto on May 20, 2012

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to Dee there is a Negro mountain in W.V. also

bh on September 29, 2012

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I use to live at Big Ugly.

debra on July 5, 2014

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My Grandmother America Adkins lived in Big Ugly WV

Bill Linville on December 15, 2014

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I'm black and my family and I lived in West Virginia for over six years so yes black people do live in West Virginia people are just crazy!!

Tbarr on May 21, 2015

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asdf: " And there is a ***** hill in Cabell County WVa." I know exactly where you're talking about and it's barely a hill and only old-timers and rednecks call it that. To the rest of us it's just that hill on Martha Road..

bobsyerunkle on January 15, 2016

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Please touch my dog

Please touch my dog on May 18, 2017

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im sorry im a potato then

potato on May 27, 2017

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I was born in Logan County and my grandparents lived there until retiring to Florida. Their church frequently held picnics at Big Ugly. When there was still a weekly newspaper they often used headlines about Big Ugly for laughs. When a local child got lost and they had to get the tracking dogs out to find him the headline was "Big Ugly Child Found". When a girl from Big Ugly won the local beauty pageant and went on to the Miss West Virginia pageant the headline was "Big Ugly Girl Wins Beauty Pageant". It was kind of a local joke.

paula on June 28, 2019

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