The dot above the letter i. See also Typography.
Added by a Guest on January 26, 2008 | 47 people like this You Like This | Unlike
hhahahahaah tittle! lol
Chad on February 4, 2008
hahaha tittle indeed
CARESS ME DOWN on February 6, 2008
ahahahahaha tooo funni mr oxford u crack me up big time bahaha
an amused fan on March 10, 2008
seriously , tittle? love it!
cass on March 19, 2008
Thats cute
#42 on May 27, 2008
Is that for tittle? Or is this just a tittle of a tittle?
Shittle on July 5, 2008
cute word man!love it
wonka on August 28, 2008
tittle tittle tittle tittle i like tittles
baruhaha on November 17, 2008
no. it's not the dot above an i. it's something i did in college once. This isn't really the time or place to talk about it though.
alicia on October 5, 2009
or, is it a really tiny boobie?
what's the dot over a small j called? a jittle?
tommy22 on March 16, 2010
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hhahahahaah tittle! lol
Chad on February 4, 2008
hahaha tittle indeed
CARESS ME DOWN on February 6, 2008
ahahahahaha tooo funni mr oxford u crack me up big time bahaha
an amused fan on March 10, 2008
seriously , tittle? love it!
cass on March 19, 2008
Thats cute
#42 on May 27, 2008
Is that for tittle? Or is this just a tittle of a tittle?
Shittle on July 5, 2008
cute word man!love it
wonka on August 28, 2008
tittle tittle tittle tittle i like tittles
baruhaha on November 17, 2008
no. it's not the dot above an i. it's something i did in college once. This isn't really the time or place to talk about it though.
alicia on October 5, 2009
or, is it a really tiny boobie?
alicia on October 5, 2009
what's the dot over a small j called? a jittle?
tommy22 on March 16, 2010