Funny Sayings

"Go Step on a Lego"

Basically wishing hell upon a person. See also Legos.


Added by Bcat on February 18, 2015 | You Like This |


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lmao hahahahhahahaha true !

brianna potts on February 26, 2015

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I swear I laughed at this for 15 minutes straight!!! lmao!!

nathan on April 8, 2015

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He he!

foxy... person!!! on May 24, 2015

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im evil, i pushed my mother into a lego field hehehheheheheheheh

Jerrrrrrrdan X3 on May 30, 2015

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i stepped on a lego yesterday which is crazy. i dont even own legos

butter on September 5, 2015


I've heard it hurts, but it doesn't effect me, so I must be some sort of LEGO goddess with like superpower species or something.

Diofeliz on December 19, 2017


Meant to say affect, autocorrect.

Diofeliz on December 19, 2017

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you think that is bad? try running your hand into a lane line on the 200 backstroke every 25!!

HGJH on February 13, 2018


Jokes on you, I'm wearing shoes right now!

Yeetaleetthesecond on January 6, 2023

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