My friend named her glasses Herman.
Added by RandomActsOfSarcasm on June 7, 2015 | 39 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Zee on June 26, 2015
cool idea!!!!
johnna on July 7, 2015
My sister named her MacBook Paul... Then texted her phone and pretended she was talking to her secret boyfriend.
a random human-thing on September 25, 2015
ive been doing this since i was five (or younger) and im still doing it! lol!
pooptato on May 27, 2017
My computer is now Gaylord Q Tinkledink. WHY THE HECK NOT???
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 5, 2022
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Zee on June 26, 2015
cool idea!!!!
johnna on July 7, 2015
My sister named her MacBook Paul... Then texted her phone and pretended she was talking to her secret boyfriend.
a random human-thing on September 25, 2015
ive been doing this since i was five (or younger) and im still doing it! lol!
pooptato on May 27, 2017
My computer is now Gaylord Q Tinkledink. WHY THE HECK NOT???
OMGIt'sFunnyStuff on January 5, 2022