Funny Clothes



Added by Frank on March 10, 2008 | You Like This |


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What is so funny about trousers?? It would be awful if people were just walking around naked all the time. I don't think I really get this site sometimes.

Sally Bananas on March 11, 2008

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I'm with you Sally. I thought the 'words' sent into the site were to invoke a funny image, not needing further explaination like most found here. Perhaps someone is getting lazy and just letting anything go.

Wondering Willy on March 11, 2008

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It's just another word for pants. And it is very funny.

Mike on January 25, 2009

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Seriously. Who says trousers? It's a hilarious word. This is one you accept at face-value.

Jeremy on February 12, 2009

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