Funny Animals

Baboons With Big Red Butts


Added by Tim on March 17, 2008 | You Like This |


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Maybe funny to a 6 year old. As in "Look mom, that monkey has a big red butt!"

Not 6 on March 18, 2008

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so not funny

emma on March 21, 2008

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i think its funny

Katie on March 24, 2008

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That is not really funny. I think it is bad behavior for someone to let their child yell that out. It is simply Imature, even for a six year old. In a way it is funny for the parent, to here their child yell something right out of the ordnairy! I think it's both funny and not funny. It depends on how you think of it. ☺

Allister B. Donkison on July 13, 2008

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Yea i agree with allister and not 6 its only good for maybe someone 6 and under tp say that but not an adult althogh it is funny to look at lol but hey everyone has their own thoughts!

John on July 13, 2008

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Its hillarious for a 6 yr old to say it but an adult?

amy on July 13, 2008


Hey, folks, we're talking about baboons with big, red butts here.

Tim on September 22, 2008

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