Added by a Guest on March 30, 2008 | 30 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Thats pretty funny!!
Me on April 2, 2008
wow. where did you ever hear that word?
poop on April 7, 2008
i am flabergasted at that word!!! and no that doesnt mean i have gas in my flabber!!!
hoelackachewbacka on April 18, 2008
i love this word haha
salty on April 20, 2008
I love this Word! I use it all the time, and no one ever knows what it means!
Bookworm on April 24, 2008
Does enyone know that it means?
What the fuck? on May 6, 2008
My dad says that all the time...I LOVE IT!
Pepper on May 27, 2008
Flabbergast is a cool word... but much too common.
Anna on August 20, 2008
whats the word mean?
Jennifer on August 31, 2008
now flabbergastER, thats a funny word. flabbergaster: one who partakes in the act of flabbergasting
flibbertygibbet on October 2, 2008
I will flabbergast all over your face!
alicia on October 5, 2009
rachel dared me to put this in my college corsework
dan and rachel on February 23, 2010
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Thats pretty funny!!
Me on April 2, 2008
wow. where did you ever hear that word?
poop on April 7, 2008
i am flabergasted at that word!!! and no that doesnt mean i have gas in my flabber!!!
hoelackachewbacka on April 18, 2008
i love this word haha
salty on April 20, 2008
I love this Word! I use it all the time, and no one ever knows what it means!
Bookworm on April 24, 2008
Does enyone know that it means?
What the fuck? on May 6, 2008
My dad says that all the time...I LOVE IT!
Pepper on May 27, 2008
Flabbergast is a cool word... but much too common.
Anna on August 20, 2008
whats the word mean?
Jennifer on August 31, 2008
now flabbergastER, thats a funny word. flabbergaster: one who partakes in the act of flabbergasting
flibbertygibbet on October 2, 2008
I will flabbergast all over your face!
alicia on October 5, 2009
rachel dared me to put this in my college corsework
dan and rachel on February 23, 2010