Funny Questions

Is the S or C Silent in the Word Scent?

We may never know.


Added by a Guest on October 6, 2015 | You Like This |


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maybe neither are silent. maybe we all should sing "ssssssssss"

potato on October 12, 2015


That is a really good question. Never thought about it

shiftashape on November 5, 2015

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The S is short because if you said the word cent, the c isn't silent.

Guest on January 31, 2016

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I ment silent.

Guest on January 31, 2016

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My teacher says c

CutieCay on April 7, 2016

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Oh, better listen to the teacher! :)

Potato kitty jr on October 19, 2016

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Neither dude

Jeniffer on December 24, 2016

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the sc

Arco on March 12, 2017

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nice thinking

hi on October 17, 2018

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Neither. You've been pronouncing it wrong. You should be saying “Skent.” :) :0 lol

WhatIf... on November 12, 2018

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so confused

bobby on January 22, 2019

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Well if you want the real answer The "s" and the "c" together make a softer "s" sound. Compared to the words "sent" and "cent", the word "scent" sounds more like "sscent.". Similar to the words "ascent" and "assent", where assent has a harder and faster sound. If the S was silent it would be CENT If the C was silent it would be SENT same difference.

V01D on June 20, 2019

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