Funny Songs
The Most Annoying Song Ever Recorded
An online poll conducted in the '90s set Vitaly Komar, Alex Melamid and David Soldier on a quest to create the most annoying song ever. After gathering data about people's least favorite music and lyrical subjects, they did the unthinkable: they combined them into a single monstrosity. List of undesirable elements included holiday music, bagpipes, pipe organ, a children's chorus and the concept of children in general (really?), Wal-Mart, cowboys, political jingoism, George Stephanopoulos, Coca Cola, bossanova synths, banjo ferocity, harp glissandos, oompah-ing tubas and much, much more. It's actually a fascinating listen, worthwhile for the opera rapping alone.
kid on June 28, 2008
dang it.
George Stephanopoulos on June 29, 2008
i like it
? on August 31, 2008
haha the opera rap is so funny
Meg on September 26, 2008
The opera rap is pretty bad but funny.
Erin on October 31, 2008
I AM a potato.
Jack Harkness on January 4, 2015