Man's friend, woman's enemy.
Added by PYRo358 on August 1, 2016 | 13 people like this You Like This | Unlike
no i like cargo shorts and im a woman
someone on August 4, 2016
With so many pockets, saw a guy had to frisk himself to find something!
MsKnowItAll on September 1, 2019
When the stuff weighs and you have to raise them every second...
Amazeing Henry on July 1, 2021
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no i like cargo shorts and im a woman
someone on August 4, 2016
With so many pockets, saw a guy had to frisk himself to find something!
MsKnowItAll on September 1, 2019
When the stuff weighs and you have to raise them every second...
Amazeing Henry on July 1, 2021