Why don’t they just share the hedge?
Added by a Guest on October 19, 2016 | 44 people like this You Like This | Unlike
ZEP on April 25, 2017
haha very funny. NOT!!!
sam on January 5, 2018
hi on October 16, 2018
that should be on the bad jokes area
R u serious on November 1, 2020
That was for you R u serious
HoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoi. on November 1, 2020
Bruh what r you dudes cray- cray
? on November 3, 2020
I know right! SO beef jerky. (I'm sorry for putting this out into the universe.
-- on November 22, 2021
I have seen this shirt
hehehboibob on August 20, 2022
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ZEP on April 25, 2017
haha very funny. NOT!!!
sam on January 5, 2018
hi on October 16, 2018
that should be on the bad jokes area
hi on October 16, 2018
R u serious on November 1, 2020
That was for you R u serious
HoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoiHoi. on November 1, 2020
Bruh what r you dudes cray- cray
? on November 3, 2020
I know right! SO beef jerky. (I'm sorry for putting this out into the universe.
-- on November 22, 2021
I have seen this shirt
hehehboibob on August 20, 2022