Funny Dances

The Lazy Lama

Lay on the ground and sleep and don't do what people tell you to do.


Added by a Guest on December 21, 2016 | You Like This |


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i like the name the lazy lama

? on February 19, 2017

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Its Like The Dougie But You Do It Like You Are A Three Year Old Child :3

The Doogie on February 19, 2017

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cool bye

poooo on March 28, 2017

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i like it, is like my best friend :3

fr-iv on April 20, 2017

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How does that make sense and why the lazy lama it is not to my liking

Kaylee sullivan on April 29, 2017

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I could make a living on this (;

luther11 on June 10, 2018

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