Funny Animals
Drop Bears
One of Australia's most dangerous native carnivores. Also known as the killer koala. Its Latin name is Phascolarctos Carnivora. It is not a true bear, but is closely related to the koala. It lives in trees and drops down onto passing prey below, killing and eating it. To deter it, spread strong-smelling substances such as vegemite or toothpaste behind your ears. See also Animals, Koalas.

Drop Bears do not exist, this is a prank. But if you ever do visit Australia just be a little precautionary if ever under a tree.
TheAustralianGuy on January 13, 2017
hi what to do in this game
niki on March 29, 2017
They have these in crossy road. With certain characters they drop from a tree and kill you. I'm so glad these aren't real.
coleeny on June 25, 2017
Drop bears a vietnamese used in the war to scare the turkish and other troops out of hiding along with hoop snakes. Hoop snakes were hula hoops rolled down hills, and they pranked them by saying run up hill and sniped them. They are not real, and Vietnamese
dt on July 18, 2017
drop bears aren't real. they created this prank to joke around with Canadians.
australianvisitor on January 7, 2019
just a prank to freak out tourists
_________ on August 16, 2024