Funny Toys

Cursed Dollies

They look cute, but don't let them fool you! Burn them before they bring misfortune to your family! See also Horror.


Added by a Guest on January 13, 2017 | You Like This |


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why would someone try to sell a cursed doll, knowing that the doll is cursed. Like come on! At least have alittle common sence

Sarah on February 19, 2017

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If it's "cursed" why would you buy it?! I mean, maybe you would buy it for fun or something, I guess....

A PERSON on March 29, 2017

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Jello on March 29, 2017

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I wanna know what it looks like

Kalie101 on July 11, 2017

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girda melon head on November 3, 2017

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who would buy this!?!?

summer on June 7, 2018

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*Takes* Everyone it's fake they just look scary *hold it up to somone's face

Johnnie Guilbert on October 9, 2018

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This should be a commercial

sitdowncomedian on October 21, 2018

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A PERSON and summer, have you ever seen buzz feed?

sitdowncomedian on October 21, 2018

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^ and Sarah

sitdowncomedian on October 21, 2018

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not Liam on December 22, 2018

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uwu mine

albert on August 28, 2019

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Oh, look! An actually real version of what most 6-year old girls invision dolls as at 9 PM!

Dorothy Marceline on October 5, 2020

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I'm a walmart fish UwU

Walmart Fish on March 30, 2021

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