To kill a cow. See also Farming, Meat.
Added by a Guest on October 9, 2008 | 44 people like this You Like This | Unlike
lol funny. I can't believe there is actually a word for that!
APB on October 17, 2008
I like it
Darren on November 3, 2008
kxchjvgjkhg on November 25, 2008
Aditi on December 19, 2008
uhh. haha..
you'refunny. on December 31, 2008
i want to bovicide, oparah
lovat on January 14, 2009
sounds like a chemical designed to kill a cow.. like insecticide
you on January 30, 2009
mad! I am looking for a catch fraze, this is it! LOL
Ellispra on April 30, 2009
i will bovacide all over your face.
alicia on October 5, 2009
awesome catch phrase
frodo99918 on February 2, 2011
I thought it was Doxivide
XRIP on March 14, 2016
bovine = cowlike
lol on May 12, 2016
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lol funny. I can't believe there is actually a word for that!
APB on October 17, 2008
I like it
Darren on November 3, 2008
kxchjvgjkhg on November 25, 2008
Aditi on December 19, 2008
uhh. haha..
you'refunny. on December 31, 2008
i want to bovicide, oparah
lovat on January 14, 2009
sounds like a chemical designed to kill a cow.. like insecticide
you on January 30, 2009
mad! I am looking for a catch fraze, this is it! LOL
Ellispra on April 30, 2009
i will bovacide all over your face.
alicia on October 5, 2009
awesome catch phrase
frodo99918 on February 2, 2011
I thought it was Doxivide
XRIP on March 14, 2016
bovine = cowlike
lol on May 12, 2016