Someone who really fancies cheese. See also Dairy, People.
Added by a Guest on October 21, 2008 | 37 people like this You Like This | Unlike
Ha Ha!
Jade on October 29, 2008
I never knew i was a turophile
Darren on November 3, 2008
fancies in what way?
Marian on November 5, 2008
What in the world?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
,nmblkjhsdf on November 25, 2008
So my mouse is a turophile?
sweet! on November 25, 2008
i finally found a diagnosis!!!!
cheezlovr on December 1, 2008
dats funny :O
Alex on January 20, 2009
best word eveeerr.
Sarah-Beth ;) on March 1, 2009
dat is the best word ever made in the whole wide world. LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P on March 16, 2009
LOL WOW. =] Funneh. :P Imma turophile :P
Kaley on May 3, 2009
one who has attachment to turning in circles
Alicia on October 5, 2009
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Ha Ha!
Jade on October 29, 2008
I never knew i was a turophile
Darren on November 3, 2008
fancies in what way?
Marian on November 5, 2008
What in the world?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
,nmblkjhsdf on November 25, 2008
So my mouse is a turophile?
sweet! on November 25, 2008
i finally found a diagnosis!!!!
cheezlovr on December 1, 2008
dats funny :O
Alex on January 20, 2009
best word eveeerr.
Sarah-Beth ;) on March 1, 2009
dat is the best word ever made in the whole wide world. LOLZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P on March 16, 2009
LOL WOW. =] Funneh. :P Imma turophile :P
Kaley on May 3, 2009
one who has attachment to turning in circles
Alicia on October 5, 2009