Funny Toys


You blow them into shapes…kind of like you blow balloons into shapes…except these aren’t balloons…they’re b’loonies and they are apparently made out of highly flammable materials. See also Balloons.


Added by Codfan1337 on March 2, 2017 | You Like This |


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b'loonies are a real thing

evanultra01 on November 16, 2017

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speaking of highly flammable materials, b'loonies are made of things inside nail polish remover.

evanultra01 on November 16, 2017

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oh hahahaha

Codfan1337 on May 15, 2018

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trump on June 11, 2018

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That's actually how gallons used to work

Umm on January 8, 2020

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