Funny Phobias


A fear of holes.


Added by a Guest on December 23, 2008 | You Like This |


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It's really not funny. Try living with it.

Rachel on January 13, 2009

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yeah, its weird. It sucks though

Glenn on January 18, 2009

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ahhh! That potato freaks me out. I'm having a panic attack and I can't look at the speaker grilles on my macbook pro! AHHH

anon on January 22, 2009

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Most people seem to be more terrified of the little holes in a cluster, but I'm petrified of the single big holes, either in walls, ceilings, floors, even in towels and clothes. Only today I was washing up for my cousin and her dish cloth had a hole in it! I nearly passed out. The kneading bar in our bread maker leaves a hole in the bread when you take it out, and that means that the first six slices or so that are cut off the loaf have a huge hole in the centre! I can't stand to look or touch it. I want to scream and run!!! Try keeping that from your kids who are jumping for the first slices of bread! lol.

Alison. on January 24, 2009

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I can't make Ramen because I am afraid of the strainer

sinisterflush on April 4, 2009

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i know how you guys feel...damn it sucks...i get goose bumps and have a feeling of dread lookin at clusters of holes...

HurpDurp on April 9, 2009

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this must be a recessive trait. i mean come on, how the hell do people with trypophobia reproduce?

lol on April 13, 2009

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lol: thats seriously sh*tty this is a messed up fear.

Hole Hater on April 24, 2009

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it really isnt a laughing matter...these things give ppl psychotic breakdowns...

=\ on May 1, 2009

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I worked at an auction house, CONTEMPORARY ART DEPARTMENT! DAMN IT, Damien Hirst!!! When I was a kid I was traumatised by this Discovery channel documentary about a certain kind of toad that hatches little young'ins from clusters of holes on its back. Lately, I wanted to go online and search "fear of holes", looking for a cure. KNOW WHAT I FOUND?! MORE HOLES! I saw that LOTUS BOOB PICTURE!!!! I FREAKED OUT!!!! NOW I AM SUICIDAL!!!!

Tristan Reveur on June 1, 2009

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@ lol -_- it's usually the fear of a group of irregularly shaped holes that set people off. And yeah, I know what Tristan is talking about, that frog is mega disgusting and I couldn't look at the lotus boob for more than three seconds.

Phaenilix on June 16, 2009

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not funny, i deal with it all the time

Nicole. on July 1, 2009

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Most people play it off as a joke, but it really is horrifying. I remember last year when some of my classmates found out, they spent the entire group meeting for our project showing me pictures of lotus pods and freaking toads with huge clumps of eggs on their bellies. It made me want to claw my brain out and rip it to shreds. Just GOOGLING trypophobia and having those damn pictures show up makes me want to run into a wall just so I can make the image go away.

Bobo on August 13, 2009

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Yea it's f**n disgusting seeing tiny holes in clusters,esp if they have black dots in them. They bring into my mind the image of some kinda HORRID infection/infestation. YECHH!!!

yuyu on August 25, 2009

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Okay that Discovery Channel thing is EXACTLY the cause of my trypophobia. My boyfriend laughed at first until he pointed out a wasps nest on our front porch and I literally BLACKED OUT from the panic attack that ensued. Its really not funny. It is so hard to live with. Commercials that advertise acne medication even send me into a mini attack. :( I wish more people took it seriously so that we could get some help...

Catrina on September 9, 2009

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I've been living with this since I saw that lotus boob thing. That's when I started to realize that clusters or irregular holes really did freak me out. Lotus pods make me vomit. When I was in highschool, some kids found out and slipped tons of lotus pod pictures in my locker, and other various tripophobia triggers. It's traumatizing. I can't look at my cup of tea because the bubbles in it scare me.

Lexa on September 15, 2009

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I was always afraid of clusters of holes, ever since I was a kid. Not just holes though, I also freak out when seeing bumps or those frog eggs. Yuk. Showerheads, papayas and pomegranates, any injuries shaped like a hole (it's not the blood or the flesh that would freak me out, I'm totally fine with that), lotus seed pods and especially, the lotus pod boob. I saw it accidentally, I'd never EVER google it if I knew what it was. And I'm so so so frustrated that I saw it... Still, when I explain this to people, everyone just laughs at me and calls me a freak and wants me to look at stuff with little holes. It's hard to live with this, especially because you can find such patterns almost everywhere. ):

Ribena on September 16, 2009

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Clusters of little holes freak me out too. It's not really so much that I fear them it's just they make me feel really weird and they really really gross me out. I had to get my friend to complete the science experiment for me, it was looking at a plants stem cell under a microscope and a plant chopped in half. Ever since I was little I have had this phobia but I thought I was the only one until only recently. I told my brother and he is just continuously laughing at me, getting every chance to find things with holes in them and show them to me.

Maddie on October 2, 2009

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I have had this fear for as long as I can remember. My parents wall had holes in it one day and that freaked me out. Funny thing is holes are everywhere (food, pavement, clothes, meat, skin, appliances, bags etc) I called my church last night for prayers and i feel much better. The man said we were not given a spirit of fear but power. I will overcome this fear and so shall the rest of you guys. It is so real and terrifying I feel better that I am not alone because i was ashame of it but to know it is a real phobia helps as well. God bless you all

Fearless Tina on October 6, 2009

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i'm pretty sure i have trypophobia.. i hate it when people shove pens and pencils into erasers so that theres little holes made... goosebumps just thinking about em. but i realised that some clusters of holes don't freak me out like holes in computer speakers.. i think toad eggs and lotus seeds give us that reaction because we don't normally see them. maybe familiarity can help us fight this?

amy on October 7, 2009

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i've recently found out that i have trypopobia too, i've always known i feared these kinds of things but i didn't know it was a phobia and other people suffured too. People don't take me seriously about it and it makes me angry. They take it as some sort of joke. I told my sister and she called me stupid and my mom doesn't understand, It sucks. Whenever i see those disgusting holes i just go insane in my head and i get this tingly feeling in my skin that makes me wish i was dead rather than looking at it.

Marissa on October 18, 2009

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I'm squirmy about holes in peoples skin. Google "trypophobia" in images. The one where there's holes in the girls arms and knees. THATS what freaks me out. Not pores or in food or nature, just in people's skin like that, that are fake. If it's real holes, I'm fine (let's say you get shot by a shotgun). If it's made up like that, god

DB on October 26, 2009

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I'm extremely disgusted with asymetrical clustered holes. It's absolutely terrible.I read something that said that we're just afraid of being afraid. It said to think about the sympoms. You get a fast heart beat after jogging and your not afraid of that. It helps me when I calm down, breath deep and slow, and relax. I just breath deep and slow and remain calm until I'm fine. Everytime I think about it I just relax and slowly my heart calms down, the itchyness and anxiety goes away. stay calm, and relax

Caleb on November 5, 2009

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I have a deep fear of small clustered holes in nature that are wider inside the hole than they are around the rim of the hole. Really makes my stomach lurch, and my hearts races in panic

Richard on November 9, 2009

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its not even just the whole that grosses me out..its just patterns and holes is the nastiest 1

vanessa on November 11, 2009

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its not funny it think its passed down too bcuz my grandmothr n my mothr has it so i guess thatshow i got it..i dont understand y having something like this is funny ...wats the joke

vanessa on November 11, 2009

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how the eff is this funny?! you try living with this phobia my parents think its funny and they laughed in my face; eff them.

meroko on November 19, 2009

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my sis used to always make fun of me becasue when we would cook something that had to boil i couldn't look at it because those fricken bubbles freak me out!it'll set me off into panic attacks and i'll get really itchy all over my body and,no joke,it's like my brain itches. this is really debilitating because i don't know why i can't just look at clusters and not freak out! just reading these comments and picturing what your saying is making me itch!I've never seen a lotus pod but if i did i would probably gauge my eyes out!

Qudija on November 20, 2009

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I saw the same frog program and freaked out.......a few months later it came on again....Never got that out of my mind....I can still see it and remember it all these years later....

Linda on November 22, 2009

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Yeah this isn't funny.. Try living with it. I have dreams of Lady bugs clustered together sticking to my SKIN AHHH. someone kill me now. Just yesterday, I went to eat with my boyfriend and i was talking and I looked down into my pasta and there was a cluster of bell pepper seeds in my pasta .. I nearly had an anxiety attack, and my bf had to put it somewhere I couldn't see. it is deff NOT FUNNY!

Shall on December 3, 2009

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goodness gracious, i thought i was the only one.. is there no cure!!??? this absolutely sucks.

Sam on December 8, 2009

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I have had such a difficult time living with this phobia and the ridicule that goes along with it. I recently discovered that other people suffer from the same thing and I am so glad to not be alone.

JV on December 10, 2009

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No one knows WHY this dumb feeling happens when looking at holes. I'm pretty sure it's genetic and a disorder. We all have the same feeling when we see clusters of irregular holes that are deep and contrasted with light backgrounds, and it makes our skin crawl. You just have to acknowledge you have it and keep moving. I promise the more you talk about it, the WORSE it will get. I saw an allergy test and almost fell on the floor. Yea it sucks but I looked at it got disgusted and kept going.

Ashley on December 10, 2009

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yeah it's all so gross, i hate that f*n toad! i don't get scared but i get all itchy and just hate imagining some awful hole cluster skin disease. those pics make me want to rip the things out of the holes with a spoon or something. also though i feel like you can kinda breathe through it and just try to ignore it and calm down a bit. definitely the more you think or talk about it, the worse it gets

sal on January 28, 2010

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:( i hate those damn lotus seed pods. I dont have trypo that bad but when i do see little holes n stuff i get lots of goosebumps and i get realy itchy and jittery:( its sooo NASTY!

Kiana on February 10, 2010

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I thought I was the ONLY one. I've had this fear of "clustered holes" for a little over half my life. I never knew what it was called until now. I never knew something like this was REAL. I had a little thing today where I took the bun off of my burger to take the pickle off & I had five medium holes in it. I just goolged "holes freak me out" & found this page. It's so hard to handle it. I just want to cry all of the dmn time! UGH. I wish I could get help.

Kei Jones on February 15, 2010

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You're so weird for having this phobia. Grow up.

You on February 17, 2010

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No, "You". No phobias are weird. Go kill yourself. Some people have mentioned that it might be genetic but I don't think so. I've never had a fear of holes but a fear of diseases and parasites. Ever since seeing all those stupid photoshopped lotus photos that look like parasites moulded into peoples skin I have associated small clusters of holes with itchy, irritating disease and it makes my skin crawl and I'm shivering now just thinking about it, ugh. That frog thing also scared the shit outta me too btw.

Cassie on February 24, 2010

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I've had the phobia along with my sister for 40-50 years and just found out last year that it had a name. The phobia has gotten worse for me and was told by my psych that it's an underlying issue from suffering from an anxiety disorder and OCD. I was prescribed medication and feel better, but the phobia is still with me such that I find some man-made images uncomfortable to look at, such as car tail lights with little round bulbs and walk/don't walk signs also with little round bulbs.

buffsmom on February 26, 2010

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I have been known to rip into my skin due to this phobia! The word cluster sends me into a fit and just reading these responses makes me want to scratch myself all over! I'm glad I'm not the only one!

Kiki on February 27, 2010

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For me it's the word "patterns". It makes me think of gross images running up and down my skin in patterns. I loathe this phobia!

buffsmom on February 27, 2010

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Oh my.....i just saw the frog thing on the animal planet the other day and have become totally obsessed! I have had this phobia since I was a child and saw the holes on a bandaid that had enlarged. I've tried to explain this to ppl and they just don't understand. I don't know if I feel better to know that other ppl have this fear or not. I guess it's better not to feel so isolated or freakish. But now my OCD is kicking in and I can't stop looking at all these new found pictures.

alicatpmc on March 5, 2010

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This phobia is literally Hell to live with. I want to tear my own skin off sometimes because once you see an image that's it, stuck in your head for days or weeks, I tend to imagine it on my skin aswell which is when I really start to break down. Tip to suffers: stay calm, take some sips of water and some deep breaths. Try and get into a space that is light and airy, hot small spaces just make you more itchy and panicky.

Daisy on April 8, 2010

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Yeah for the longest time I thought I was the only person on earth who had this strange seemingly no-name phobia. Every time I looked up phobias I never saw anything resembling this wierd thing I had about holes/circles. I just can't stand to look at little clusters of holes or circles they make my skin crawl and I get some kind of buzzing sound or vibration in my ears maybe that dizziness I don't know, I just can't stand to see them. Thank God I found out I'm not the only one. :)

Papermoon on May 14, 2010

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Its definitely not funny, my problem is not things coming out of irregularly shaped holes but things going in! For instance Sponge Bob Square Pants when he sucks in all those items is revolting. And things like cortex, bone tissue, yuk! how did l get this phobia? any ideas.

wendy on May 18, 2010

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I thought that I was just crazy or something for a while but I realized that my aunt and my cousin have the same thing. I can't stand pictures of clusters of holes with stuff inside them. One episode of Spongebob had him with corks in all of his holes and it made me want to rip my skin off. It's good to know that I'm not the only one.

Anonymous on May 18, 2010

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Indeed SBPants is disgusting. I am trying to look at that lotus seed thing (rather unluckily l had not registered their existence until l found out my phobia has a name! so now l have something else to freak me out!) regularly as someone suggested the more you look the easier it gets, l am not so sure. Think l will seek hypnotherapy as it seems to be getting worse. Other than this l think l am fairly normal! Can any one think of why they acquired their phobia as l sure as hell have no idea...

wendy on May 25, 2010

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It is so annoying, sends a jolt through you. Haunting in Conneticut; in the trailer the man takes off his shirt; has all these cuts in his skin. I thought I was going to explode. Bothered me so much that if I heard the music for it,I would either turn the channel immediately or jerk my head in the other direction so quick I almost broke my neck. I can read about something and see it in my mind, same damn effect.

atlncdiva on May 28, 2010

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Dear All, l have found the ultimate horror for me, its the gray moon sponge images, l don't know why l feel compelled to find something that makes me feel even worse but this is definitely it. Don't look at the link if you don't want BUT l am trying to follow the advise of someone else who suggested if you look at the image that distresses you, you will eventually get used to it. We'll see.....

wendy on June 24, 2010

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I am SO glad that I am not the only one who is experiencing this! My sister made some microwavable mac and cheese and for some reason, all the damn mac was sitting straight up in the bowl. I had chills, felt weak in the knees, wanted to pass out and vomit at the same time! Since then I knew something was up. Lots of ants/bugs moving around freak me out too. Its not just me and a grown woman to trip out over some mac and cheese may seem funny but that is a day I will never forget!!!

MarriedNLovinLife on July 26, 2010

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OOoOOoOOoOooOoOOoOOoOOoooooOoOOooO O0o0o)o0o0o0o0o0o0o0ooo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 o0o0o0o0ooo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 -o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o MUHAHAHAHa

DanielMur on August 3, 2010

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Daniel ... two words: GROW UP

buffsmom on September 6, 2010

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the thing that gets me.. type in 'holes in skin' on google images, and look at the top row. the skin grafting on the arm. that picture gives me nightmares every night :(

Lex on September 18, 2010

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oh yeah hilarious, dick. I finally decided to open up and tell some friends and family about it and what happens? EVERY damn one of them tried to mess with me until finally I threw up and almost passed out once, its not a joke, dick

entheo4130 on November 11, 2010

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I have trypophobia that's related to my severe spheksophobia (fear of wasps). I have such an extreme fear of wasps that anything that is relates to wasps or reminds me of them is a trigger for me... in this case, the trypophobia stems from the appearance of wasp nests. Clusters of hole like that remind me of their nests which remind me of wasps and... well, it all goes downhill from there. It really isn't a laughing matter though.

Nyleika on May 28, 2011

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Right now I'm coming off an antidepressant and feeling bad anyway, and the trypo is about ten times worse. I was nearly unable to remove the seeds from a cantaloupe, and then I noticed a couple of corn cobs on the counter waiting to go out to the chicken coop, and the whole thing happened again. And now just thinking about it is making me itch all over. It's not usually nearly this bad, so I think the drug withdrawal is causing it - and that means something neurological, or at least physiological, is at play here.

Janet on July 24, 2011

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WOW! Seeing this post made me feel less alone -_- Mine also started with the Lotus boob picture, ever since I couldn't look at any cluster of holes like drain holes, car parts, corks, some speakers, bubbles in my coffee. I know it sounds funny, but it's kind of stopping me from accomplishing certain tasks. Like taking a shower with a shower's weird hole pattern. -_-

mrtnwsly on January 3, 2012

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My throat tightens up and it's hard to breathe. my stomach is in knots just reading about other sufferers. My skin crawls and the hair stands up all over my body. I know to some it feels silly, but that's how I feel about a fear of spiders. what's to fear? Phobia's dont' have to make sense, and that doesn't stop the very real reactions people have. I'm glad I'm not alone. *hugs* to all who have to deal with this, I am 30 and finally told my family, luckily they understand and are supportive. best wishes to all xoxox

Jessica on January 30, 2012

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I suffered a panick attack seeing the lotus boob picture.. that started everything! I ran into the bathroom and rubbed myself all over, I itched and my skin crawled the whole day from remembering the image. I had a mental picture that the holes were all over my body! I hate seeing ants burrowing into their holes, gooey jelly- like holes ,swarms of bees that go in and out of their hives or honeycombs, cluster of irregular shaped small holes, especiall y on the human body! I cant afford therapy, I just hope I get over this somehow..

Ladydido on October 17, 2012

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i have this phobia's really annoying.i just can't look at these things without having the need to shut my eyes tight. those weird shaped holes just proper freak me out. i can't even believe that this phobia exists! at first i thought i was the only one who has this problem but it's good to know that i'm not alone and that i'm not crazy. i haven't told anyone about this phobia thing i have-i think they'll just laugh or something. but honest it's nice to know that it isn't just me. ;) P.S: i am only 11 years old

Charmy( on February 14, 2014

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I thought it was just me. I just saw this picture of Cortex 3D printed cast circulating around on FB, made of irregularly shaped holes and it drives me crazy to just look at it. Can't even imagine having to wear one of those things. I've had this forever, my first memory being of a wasp nest.

Mamasan on April 28, 2014

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I have this.

Someone Awesome on January 9, 2015

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I have this its not so funny try living with it scary and what really freaks me out is my sisters whole room has polka dots all over it every time I go into her room I pass out

Have This!! on January 31, 2016

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try living with it and passing out every day.

Riku711 on April 27, 2016

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i am not scared of them but they make me very irritated i feel like maggots are crawling all over me not big holes tho clusters of them im thinking about them rn and im getting really itchy

mysteryperson on July 30, 2016

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Oh god, why did you have to give me this Fear?!!! I got a present, which was a blanket that had holes. EVERYWHERE. IMAGINE THAT! Thank god my mom finally believed me and put that thing in the trash!

POTATO on March 29, 2017

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WRONG! trypophobia is the fear of tiny holes, not holes in general!

CallMeZero on May 19, 2017

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Once during school we were using microscopes to look at a frog's blood cells. It made me very queasy and it ruined my day because it looked like tiny red holes.

potato on August 7, 2017

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No, it is the fear of illregular holes or patterns, know it if you have it.

Destiny on December 29, 2017

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Trypophobia isnt really funny. its hard to deal with

. on February 14, 2018

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my fear focuses on just basically any cluster of holes. it just makes me want to pass out. every time I see something like that I get all grossed out and images of something crawling out of them just floods my mind. it makes me sick

raz on May 22, 2018

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come unto me, my children

jesus on June 13, 2018

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Everyone is figgin triggered by this its hilarious. Not the phobia, the reaction. Before you all yell at me. Ok ill leave now.

ViixenNovaa on September 25, 2018

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its the fear of holes in clusters or irregular patterns ooOOOoooOooooOOooOOOoooooOOoOOoOOOoOOooooOooOOoooooOOooooooOoooooOOoooooooooooooOOOoooOoooOOOOOOOOoooooooOOOoooooOooOooOOoooo

lollololollolloolollololo on October 5, 2018

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I have this and it is awful.

comical on November 28, 2018

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I was about to get your idea.

TheDeadColdNightInTheHole on February 2, 2019

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was gonna put a url of an image that triggers trypophobia but g o d maybe i shouldnt

Ur Mom on April 13, 2020

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How is that funny?

MelanieMartinez on May 4, 2020

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It's actually not a proven phobia and more of a disgust there's an It's Okay To Be Smart video about it

Milky Way on August 31, 2020


Seems a little weird, but I'm not gonna judge. Nor try to scare them. That just ain't cool.

Yeetaleetthesecond on November 2, 2021

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this fear seems familiar bro... *AMYGLADA'S RAGDOLL INTENSIFIES*

strawberry crepe kuki on April 5, 2022

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###### on January 19, 2023

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I looked this up, i don't have it, but those images were freaky.

iwannabeapotatothough on May 26, 2023

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