You little rebel. I like you.
Added by a Guest on May 8, 2017 | 592 people like this You Like This | Unlike
i read it
lol on May 9, 2017
Hi hi
Unicorn on May 10, 2017
Well, I read it. Guess I'm going to jail now.
Neptune on May 10, 2017
wf on May 10, 2017
ghh on May 10, 2017
why on May 11, 2017
Sasha xxx on May 11, 2017
Thank you!!!!!!
Emma on May 13, 2017
I know
i'm da best on May 18, 2017
I can't believe im this bored. Im going to go write fanfiction on Wattpad now.
Nicole_Malfoy23 on May 18, 2017
I totally haven't seen it a billion times on Youtube comments...
Someone on May 18, 2017
i like u too
Sophie on May 18, 2017
Madalyn on May 19, 2017
Blaaaaaaah I can't believe I'm this bored to play this game
Sup Dudes on May 19, 2017
I'm such a rebel. :D
DonutQueen on May 23, 2017
i did it
devilsdemon on June 1, 2017
OMG THIS IS SO FUNNY hahahhahahah jfk
LMFBO on June 4, 2017
go boredbutton
hashtaghashbrown on June 16, 2017
EAHjokes on June 21, 2017
i like u 2 ;)
lol on July 7, 2017
That made my day.....I like you too
MendesArmy on July 12, 2017
Sorry, I read it as well. When people say don't read the next line, it just makes me want to read it anyways. LOL.
cmcnabb032 on July 14, 2017
hello on July 20, 2017
I read it too am I cursed or something XD
FLUFFYPANDA99 on July 23, 2017
I read the second sentence before the first so i'm safe now. I thought my mommy was going to send me to jail
im safe on December 30, 2017
pepsi man on January 19, 2018
What did it say? I didn't read it cause I'm not a rebel or anything..
Potato on March 10, 2018
I feel violated.
bill nye the science guy on May 29, 2018
Okay then
WholamWholwant on June 8, 2018
Yay! Im a rebel. Im so proud of myself! XD
sesameseed773 on July 20, 2018
I am a rebel B-)
greenday66 on October 12, 2018
So rebel, so metal
notexactlyshakespere411 on January 20, 2019
What if someone that was color blind got the question,"What color is the submit button?" would they fight spam...
potato on April 12, 2019
:) on April 26, 2019
Seth Lockheart on May 7, 2019
Hahahahahahaha im a rebell, so dont get in my way!
Potato x3 on June 12, 2019
oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
why we all potatoes
really, does anyone actually have an account on this thing?
guess what, if you are reading this you have to get an account OOF
to fight spam you get to answer 2 + 3 who can get this wrong? I put 6 once... well, it's a hard - knock life for humanity
i am a rebel. i am yo mockingjay!
guest on November 3, 2019
this is a a awsome joke
hello on January 25, 2020
i like the joke
warren on January 25, 2020
we all fell to the trap of revesphyolygy
harry potato on July 21, 2020
indeed brothers
indeed on September 16, 2020
now i liked ur 499th like. u have 1 more like remaining.
go_POOF! on November 9, 2020
Aw thx UwU
SingleAsAPringle on December 28, 2020
I didnt understand until i read the top part.. i read it backwards
take note^ on January 2, 2021
hehe thanks!
Cookie Monster on January 29, 2021
FoR ThE ReBelLiOn (I'm a Star Wars Fan)
FineCatLady79 on March 4, 2021
oof oof oof oof oof oof oof im so bored and i hate corona
potato powers on April 25, 2021
why does this have the most comments!
hello on April 26, 2021
im kermit the frog and uhhhhh im a meme
lol im kermit on April 26, 2021
yeah mate this almost has 100 comments
lets get 100 comments on April 26, 2021
I now the coolest person ever!
emma on April 26, 2021
can i truck the grass so long ago
Rev Joy Powell on April 27, 2021
LMFAO homie said "why we all potatoes" im weak
that one guy on June 13, 2022
Potato nato on March 26, 2023
Aww, I like you too.
Hermione on July 9, 2023
Don't be a potato! Just register or login before commenting.
Your Name
Fight Spam! What color is the Submit button?
We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites.
i read it
lol on May 9, 2017
Hi hi
Unicorn on May 10, 2017
Well, I read it. Guess I'm going to jail now.
Neptune on May 10, 2017
wf on May 10, 2017
ghh on May 10, 2017
why on May 11, 2017
Sasha xxx on May 11, 2017
Thank you!!!!!!
Emma on May 13, 2017
I know
i'm da best on May 18, 2017
I can't believe im this bored. Im going to go write fanfiction on Wattpad now.
Nicole_Malfoy23 on May 18, 2017
I totally haven't seen it a billion times on Youtube comments...
Someone on May 18, 2017
i like u too
Sophie on May 18, 2017
Madalyn on May 19, 2017
Blaaaaaaah I can't believe I'm this bored to play this game
Sup Dudes on May 19, 2017
I'm such a rebel. :D
DonutQueen on May 23, 2017
i did it
devilsdemon on June 1, 2017
OMG THIS IS SO FUNNY hahahhahahah jfk
LMFBO on June 4, 2017
go boredbutton
hashtaghashbrown on June 16, 2017
EAHjokes on June 21, 2017
i like u 2 ;)
lol on July 7, 2017
That made my day.....I like you too
MendesArmy on July 12, 2017
Sorry, I read it as well. When people say don't read the next line, it just makes me want to read it anyways. LOL.
cmcnabb032 on July 14, 2017
hello on July 20, 2017
I read it too am I cursed or something XD
FLUFFYPANDA99 on July 23, 2017
I read the second sentence before the first so i'm safe now. I thought my mommy was going to send me to jail
im safe on December 30, 2017
pepsi man on January 19, 2018
What did it say? I didn't read it cause I'm not a rebel or anything..
Potato on March 10, 2018
I feel violated.
bill nye the science guy on May 29, 2018
Okay then
WholamWholwant on June 8, 2018
Yay! Im a rebel. Im so proud of myself! XD
sesameseed773 on July 20, 2018
I am a rebel B-)
greenday66 on October 12, 2018
So rebel, so metal
notexactlyshakespere411 on January 20, 2019
What if someone that was color blind got the question,"What color is the submit button?" would they fight spam...
potato on April 12, 2019
:) on April 26, 2019
Seth Lockheart on May 7, 2019
Hahahahahahaha im a rebell, so dont get in my way!
Potato x3 on June 12, 2019
oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof oof
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
why we all potatoes
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
really, does anyone actually have an account on this thing?
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
guess what, if you are reading this you have to get an account OOF
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
to fight spam you get to answer 2 + 3 who can get this wrong? I put 6 once... well, it's a hard - knock life for humanity
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
Potato Powers on October 8, 2019
i am a rebel. i am yo mockingjay!
guest on November 3, 2019
this is a a awsome joke
hello on January 25, 2020
i like the joke
warren on January 25, 2020
we all fell to the trap of revesphyolygy
harry potato on July 21, 2020
indeed brothers
indeed on September 16, 2020
now i liked ur 499th like. u have 1 more like remaining.
go_POOF! on November 9, 2020
Aw thx UwU
SingleAsAPringle on December 28, 2020
I didnt understand until i read the top part.. i read it backwards
take note^ on January 2, 2021
hehe thanks!
Cookie Monster on January 29, 2021
FoR ThE ReBelLiOn (I'm a Star Wars Fan)
FineCatLady79 on March 4, 2021
oof oof oof oof oof oof oof im so bored and i hate corona
potato powers on April 25, 2021
why does this have the most comments!
hello on April 26, 2021
im kermit the frog and uhhhhh im a meme
lol im kermit on April 26, 2021
yeah mate this almost has 100 comments
lets get 100 comments on April 26, 2021
I now the coolest person ever!
emma on April 26, 2021
can i truck the grass so long ago
Rev Joy Powell on April 27, 2021
LMFAO homie said "why we all potatoes" im weak
that one guy on June 13, 2022
Potato nato on March 26, 2023
Aww, I like you too.
Hermione on July 9, 2023