Funny Phobias


The fear of cats. Meow. See also Cats.


Added by Kittens4thewin on May 14, 2017 | You Like This |


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Gato is Spanish for cat. It translates to Catphobia.

Meow on August 18, 2017


^ That comment up there was me before I made an account. I wish I had proof.

MissMerlin on September 23, 2017

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Actually its ailurophobia from the greek word (ailouros)

Meow on October 11, 2017


YAY FOR CATS! I'm holding one in my profile picture. It's no specific cat but I want it anyway. Drawing something you adore is like talking about food and getting hungrier and hungrier.

Diofeliz on November 4, 2017

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My aunt is afraid of cats

Logi on January 13, 2018

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Meow? Meow meow meow.

I'm a cat on June 4, 2018

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I don't count it as a phobia, but I get nervous when there is a cat around me, only makes me nervous when I standing though, I don't really know why myself

no on February 5, 2021

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I do think cats are adorable, I just feel very bad when I see a cat while standing up in real life. No, I don't have a allergy

no on February 5, 2021

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